
Showing posts from September, 2021

9 Settembre Travel

Da The Guardian Italia Great Small Cities Chosen by Readers

7Settembre Rificolona

Ed oggi 7  settembre : ONA ONA ONA O CHE BELLA RIFICOLONA......  UNA FIACCOLATA PER ILLUMIBARE LA STRADA VERSO IL MERCATO : La festa della Rificolona ricorre la sera del 7 settembre vigilia della festività religiosa che commemora la Natività della Madonna. In tale occasione ai tempi del Granducato, forse anche prima,  i contadini  arrivavano a Firenze  sia dal vicino contando  che dalle zone più impervie del lontano Casentino e dalle montagne Pistoiesi. Potevano così, oltre che rendere omaggio all'immagine dell'Annunciazione, conservata a tutt'oggi nella Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata, fare buoni affari al grande mercato del giorno dopo . Per trovarsi di buon'ora a Firenze l'8 settembre, contadini e montanari erano costretti a partire dalle loro case  nottetempo, provvisti  di fiaccole e lanterne di varie forme.  Il loro arrivo costituiva  un divertente  richiamo per l'allegro popolo Fiorentino ...

5 Settembre Archetti???

 Da The Guardian   Archetti ?  impastatrice :  the industrial mixer and kneader where kilos of   semola   are being combined with water to form an   impasto,   which is then forced through the   many-holed die   from which linguine streams like a looming cascade. The cascade is cut into lengths, which are hung over bars so they look like a heavy, blunt, blond fringe. The bars with fringes swing out for the first stage of the several day-long drying process, before being cut. And this is the important bit, or rather bits. Removed from the bars, the lengths of pasta are rather like tweezers – two long lengths with a short curve or arc. The long lengths are cut into eight 26cm sections of  linguine …  and the curves? Well, like all curves, they are to be appreciated! At  Pastificio Faella in Gragnano , they are called  archetti  and sold in 5kg bags and absolutely perfect for thick bean soup (and, of course, interch...

2 settembre Roma e Cinghiale

Mayor of Rome sues local region over wild boar ‘invasion’  from the Guardian 2 S 2021   Lorenzo Tondo  in Palermo Published:  07:12 Thursday, 02 September 2021   Follow Lorenzo Tondo Rome’s mayor has opened a criminal lawsuit against the surrounding Lazio regional government over “the massive and uncontrolled presence of wild boar in Italy’s capital”. In recent years, Rome’s citizens and farmers  have protested about wild boar wreaking havoc  on their land and causing fatal car crashes. The animal is believed to be responsible for an average of 10,000 road accidents a year in the country. The capital’s mayor, Virginia Raggi, of the Five Star Movement (M5S) has accused the regional government, led by former Democratic party (PD) leader Nicola Zingaretti, of being responsible for what she described as a “boar invasion” and failing to implement “effective management plans for these animals”. Debate was rekindled in May by  a video widely shared on so...